Connecting your Hospitable account to Clearing syncs property and reservation data to automate your bookkeeping and accounting.
To integrate Hospitable with Clearing, you'll need a Clearing account. If you don't already have a Clearing account, you can visit to request a demo and get started.
Get started on Hospitable
Go to Apps.
Click on Clearing.
Click on Get Started to be redirected to their website where you'll login or signup.
Initiate the connection on Clearing
Login to your account on Clearing.
On your dashboard, click on your name on the bottom left and select Integrations.
Select Hospitable from the list.
Click on Hospitable Connect.
You will be redirected to the Hospitable login page. Provide your credentials and allow the connection.
You will be redirected to Clearing.
Your listings will be automatically imported and you will have to option to mark certain listings as inactive.
This integration is built by Clearing. If you need additional support, please review Clearing's help article on how to connect to Hospitable, or contact their support team.