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Annual Earnings Report (Direct Premium)
Annual Earnings Report (Direct Premium)
Abby Grous avatar
Written by Abby Grous
Updated over a week ago


To help you prepare for income tax filing, Hospitable provides all Direct Premium hosts with an Annual Earnings Report. This report will be generated each year in January for earnings/payouts from the previous year.

If you receive a Form 1099-K from Hospitable, you can use the Annual Earnings Report to reconcile the total earnings reported on your 1099-K. You can read more about Form 1099-K here.

You can access the Annual Earnings Report here.

Understanding the Annual Earnings Report

The Annual Earnings Report includes all transactions paid out to you by Hospitable in a given calendar year. For each year, you will have:

  • A summary PDF report and detailed CSV report for all payout methods on your account

  • A summary PDF report and detailed CSV report for individual payout method.

Summary Report (PDF)

The summary report breaks down your total gross earnings for the year, service fees, adjustments and total payouts.

  • Gross Earnings: Total revenue before deducting host service fees and adjustments (this will match the number reported in Box 1a on your 1099-K).*

  • Service Fees: Total host service fees. This does not include guest service fees, which are paid to Hospitable.

  • Adjustments: Adjustments can be cancellations, reservation changes, refunds or chargebacks that occurred after you received a payout. Adjustments are not included in gross earnings.

  • Total Payouts: Total paid out to you after deducting service fees, Hospitable remitted taxes, and adjustments.

The summary report also includes a breakdown of your gross earnings and payout by month, as well as the total collected in taxes for each of your properties.

Details Report (CSV)

The details report provides you with a CSV file with a detailed list of transactions included in the calculations in the summary report.




For reservations, adhoc charges and alterations or refunds that occurred before the payout, this is the date of the payout.

For adjustments (refunds and chargebacks that occurred after the payout) this is the date of the adjustment.


Reservation - accepted reservations or cancelled reservations with a payout (guest received no refund or partial refund)
Adhoc charge - payments received through the “Send or Receive Money” feature
Alteration - Alterations that resulted in collecting additional payment from the guest, or alterations that resulted in a refund and occurred before the payout for the reservation.

Cancellation - Cancellations that resulted in a full or partial refund to the guest and occurred before the payout for the reservation.
Ad-hoc-refund - Refunds that occurred before the payout for the reservation Adjustment - Refunds or alterations that occurred after the payout for the reservation


For adjustments, this will tell if you if the adjustment was a ad-hoc refund, cancellation, or alteration.

Reservation Code

The reservation code for the reservation the transaction is associated with

Property ID

The property ID on

Property Name

The name of the property on


The currency used for the transaction

Base Amount

Total for the accommodation/nightly rate

Guest Discounts

Amount of discounts that were given to the guest

Guest Fees

Sum of the additional fees paid to host like cleaning fees, pet fees, resort fees, etc.

Guest Service Fees

Service fee paid by the guest to Hospitable

Pass Through Taxes

Total amount of taxes collected and passed through to you


The net payout amount

Gross Earnings

Your net payout before deducting the host service fee (excludes the guest service fee and Hospitable remitted taxes)

Remitted Taxes

Taxes collected and remitted by Hospitable

Using the Details Report to Reconcile your 1099-K

Filter the Type column to exclude adjustment. Sum the totals in Gross Earnings column.

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