Filters help you organize your inbox and quickly locate the most relevant conversations.
How to Use Inbox Filters
Click +Filter at the top of the Inbox
Select the filter category
Note: Time-based filters (such as the "booked on" filter) are based on the UTC timezone.
Select the applicable parameters that you want to be displayed (Example: Check In Date(s), Property, or Platform).
Note: If you skip this step, the filter will remain visible but will not be applied until you click on it again and select a value. A filter in this limbo state will have a yellow background.
[Optional] Repeat steps 1 - 3 if you'd like to apply more than one filter. The number of filters you can apply at one time is unlimited.
[Optional] If you'd like to remove one or more filters, click on the
beside the filter name. Clicking on Clear will remove all applied filters simultaneously.
Tip: You can use save your common-used filters by creating Segments. Check out this article to learn more about them.