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Pricing Sync

Pricing Sync ensures consistency for your calendar pricing across listings

Kelly avatar
Written by Kelly
Updated over a month ago

Pricing Sync is a sub-feature of Sync.
Sync only applies to properties with the same property ID; it does not apply to the other properties within a parent-child relationship.

Enabling Pricing Sync allows the following to happen:

  • When you merge properties/listings, the main calendar data on Hospitable will be immediately pushed to the newly added listing calendar(s)

  • If a channel cannot accept a calendar update from Hospitable, we will continue retrying until the listing platform successfully accepts the change

  • We will pick up any pricing changes from your lead listing's calendar and sync that to your other listings. This occurs on a rolling 4.5-hour basis. The price pushed to your listings will take into account any markup rates you have set.

Enable Pricing Sync

Go to Settings > Preferences > Sync > Toggle Pricing Sync on > Save changes


We cannot push calendar updates (including Reservation Sync) to your listings/channels with restricted calendars. However, if this is your lead listing, we will still be able to pull in data. You can read more about these restrictions here.

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