If you're interested in trialing Owner Statements before upgrading to our Mogul plan, please contact our sales team at [email protected].
Add a Transaction:
Click Operations > Owner statements > Transactions and click +Add New
Fill the transaction details, and click Save
More about transactions
Transactions show on Statements, and are charged to the owner. Transactions should align with a bank account transaction, but can be split across multiple properties (and therefore show on multiple statements).
The Transaction details section is primarily for internal reference.
The Date of transaction represents the date you made the transaction, and defines what month's statement the transaction shows on. If you did a shopping trip on August 2nd, that transaction will show on your August statement.
The Description at the top is for internal reference only, and will not show on Statements.
The Transaction items section will show on Statements.
Select the Property that item is for.
Give it an Owner-friendly Description.
Select from a list of Categories: Supplies, Maintenance or Uncategorized.
The Amount is how much that particular item is.
The optional Markup column can be used if you charge your Owners a markup for the item. For example, Kitchen sponges might cost $17.23, but you charge an extra $50 Markup to account for your trip to the property to drop off the supplies.
The Total for the line item is the Amount + Markup.
To add more line items, click + Line and complete the fields.