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Smart Codes

What are Smart Codes, how they relate to Short Codes, and when to use them in your messaging rules.

Nik Logachev avatar
Written by Nik Logachev
Updated over 4 months ago

Smart Codes are like Short Codes, but whose content is generated by AI right before being sent.

If you add a Smart Code inside your messaging rules, the rest the messaging rule isn't touched by the AI, only the content of the Smart Code. This matches how other Short Codes work.

Smart Codes also look a bit different inside your rule editor.

Which Smart Codes are available?

We are starting with one high-value smart code: Smart Upsell.

The Smart Upsell smart code allows the AI to automatically offer your guests upsell products that you have defined in your Guest Experience.

For now, this is only available for Direct Premium customers, but we are working on rolling this out to everyone very soon!

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