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Property Specific Messages

Create a messaging rule or custom code that is only relevant to certain properties in your portfolio, and not all!

Jenn Tomaszewski avatar
Written by Jenn Tomaszewski
Updated over 7 months ago

Do you have some information that is only relevant to one or a few of my properties, but not all of them? How do you set it up so that this information only gets sent to guests who book a specific property?

If you have multiple properties, each with slightly different check-in instructions, for example, then there are two ways to achieve this!


Within a messaging rule, you can use the scope section to define which properties that message will apply to.

You can read more about messaging rule scoping here.

Here are the steps to scoping your messaging rule so that it only applies to one property:

  1. In the Scope section, select the relevant property.

  2. Click Copy at the bottom of this message.

  3. That will open up a new page, with an exact copy of the messaging rule. In the Scope section for that messaging rule, select a different property and edit the message text for this specific property. We also recommend changing the title.

  4. Repeat for your other properties.

Custom codes

Using custom codes within your messaging rules allows you to have fewer messaging rules, which use custom codes to relay property-specific details to your guests.

Here are the steps to setting that up:

  1. Create a custom code containing only the text that is unique to a property.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the custom code and select the relevant property in the Scope section.

  3. Create additional custom codes for your other properties. Use the same name for each code.

  4. Create a messaging rule, or use an existing one

  5. In the Scope section, select all properties.

  6. In the message, insert the custom code(s) you created. The text will automatically be filled in based on the property the guest booked.

  7. Below the message, click Preview message and select a conversation to see what this message looks like, including the custom code.

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