Questions Overview

What the Questions AI feature is, how it works, and FAQs

Alyssa Ward avatar
Written by Alyssa Ward
Updated over a week ago

Our Questions AI feature scans all your guests' messages for question topics that we're able to detect and then automatically reply to those questions with any answers you've created for that guest's reservation stage. It is not intended to respond to random comments or unique problems that need a specific answer.

Getting started with questions, check out these articles:


Can I create my own questions to detect?

  • No - it takes a lot of specific training to make question detection accurate. However, you can put in a feature request to add a new question topic here. We will announce when new question categories are being worked on and released.

Can more than one question be detected per message?

  • Yes, more than one question can be detected within the same message as long as those questions aren't in the same sentence. We cannot detect multiple questions within the same sentence.

Can question reply rules have different timing?

  • No, If you change the Timing option for one of the question rules, this will be applied to all other question rules; it is a global setting.

Should I include a greeting or salutation in my question reply rule?

  • No. Do not add any greetings or salutations to your answer template. Hospitable will add these automatically if you have not messaged the guest within 6 hours, or if the answer is included in an event message (ex. new inquiry message)

  • If you have not messaged the guest in the past 6 hours, we will include "Hello %guest_first_name%" (translated in the language of the guest)

When will the automatic answer to a question be sent?

If your question rule is setup correctly to send a reply to a particular guest's question

  • The answer is either sent based on the timing you selected for that rule: Prepare the answer - never send automatically or Send instantly.

  • If the question is setup to be sent within an event message (ie. new inquiry, a new request to book, or a new reservation message) using the %answers% short code:

    • If both the event message rule and question reply rule are timed to send automatically, then they will send automatically.

    • If either one of the messaging rules is timed to prepare the answer - never send automatically, the message will be prepared and require your action to send.

What if a guest asks a question as part of an event message I already have an automated messaging rule setup for?

  • The %answers% short code is a way to include your answers to questions within inquiry, request to book, and new reservation rules.

  • If you include the %answers% short code within your automated event messages, we will be able to include your replies to detected questions within that message. The replies will be inserted into the message exactly where the short code %answers% is located. If multiple were detected we will send all of your relevant replies in the message and in the same orders they were detected.
    โ€‹This is also the reason why you should not include any greetings or salutations within your question reply rules.

Can I configure a different response to a question based on the stage of the conversation?

  • Yes you can. In fact we strongly advise you to carefully review the stage of the conversation that an answer is set up for, especially for certain categories in which an answer would only make sense during a specific stage.

  • For example, the Wifi category would most likely entail answers about availability during a pre-booking inquiry, whereas you might need to provide the Wifi password or instructions to connect prior to check-in or during a stay.

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