There are some scenarios where your properties listings may show as restricted from syncing.
VRBO: Unlisted
A listing can be marked as unlisted if it is not active in Vrbo, we cannot make changes to an unlisted Vrbo listing. You will need to make the listing active before we can sync availability to your calendar, this can be done directly on Vrbo.
VRBO:Another PMS is connected
If you use a property management software on Vrbo, Hospitable will be unable to make changes to your Vrbo calendar. You can read more about those limitations here. Missing rate plan
To be able to sync a listing, a rate plan must be configured on directly. Learn how to do that here.
Airbnb: Listing unclaimed
We have had issues claiming this listing within Airbnb. This is usually caused by some minimum night stay values set greater than your overall default max night stay. To resolve this:
On Airbnb temporarily increase your default max night stay to a much higher value
In the same browser you are logged into Airbnb with, go to Hospitable
Click on Connected Accounts
Click Connect with Airbnb. We'll detect which Airbnb account you're logged into on that browser and attempt to reconnect the listings on that channel
Once reconnected, and you no longer see a calendar-restricted indication on this property, you can reset your max night stay on Hospitable under Properties > Click on the Property > Availability > Make the update > Hit Save at the bottom of the page
If these actions do not resolve this, please reach out to support so we can help you further.
Airbnb: Calendar restricted
This means Hospitable is unable to make changes to your prices and availability on any of that property's connected channels if you remain on a limited connection. You can read more about those limitations here and how to upgrade if you'd like.