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List of Custom Code Conditions

This article is a list of all available conditions for custom codes, so that your messages can adapt on the fly to your guests situation.

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Written by Assistant
Updated over a week ago

Custom codes conditions allow you to insert text into your messaging rules based on the condition set:

  • When the condition is met, your custom code will be replaced by the custom code's text.

  • If the condition is not met, the custom code will not be replaced, and the custom code will be erased from the message sent to your guests or teammates.

You can find the list of custom code conditions from a custom code edit page by clicking on the + Add a Condition button found within the condition section.

For your convenience, here is the list of conditions that are available for custom codes:

  • Check-in is in ... days.

  • Check-in is in ... hours.

  • The guest has/does not have any contact information.

  • The guest has/does not have any reviews.

  • The guest is/is not bringing children.

  • The guest has/does not have an email address.

  • The guest has/does not have a genuine (not hidden) email address.

  • The guest has/does not have a preferred check-in time.

  • The guest is/is not bringing infants.

  • The guest is/is not bringing infants or children.

  • The guest is missing either their email or phone number.

  • The guest is/is not bringing a pet.

  • The guest has/does not have a phone number.

  • The guest has/does not have a profile picture.

  • The guest has/has not filled in their profile description.

  • The guest has/has not verified their identity.

  • The guest has received ... reviews.

  • The booking was/was not instant booked.

    • This condition will not work for Airbnb bookings

  • This is/is not the first message in the conversation.

  • The guest is likely to fly.

  • The guest has/has not recently created their account.

  • The guest is a Superhost.

  • The guest has last replied ... hours ago.

  • The night after the check-out is/is not available.

  • The night before the check-in is/is not available.

  • The guest will take a plane.

  • There are ... guests arriving.

  • The booking is for ... nights.

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