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Adding a Direct Booking

Block dates, and generate a payment link for guests to complete the Direct booking.

Dawn Ginie Santoyo avatar
Written by Dawn Ginie Santoyo
Updated over 7 months ago

To create bookings for returning guests, you can either share your site link for guests to book or create a payment link with their details.

  1. From the Inbox or Calendar Click +Add booking

  2. Select Add a Direct Booking

  3. It will open a new page and show the amount (Optional: you can edit the prices to set a custom quote for your guest)

  4. Select the property and adjust the number of guests

  5. Identify the check-in and check-out dates

  6. The calendar prices will be generated or the prices can be set and changed to create a custom quote

    1. This is an optional step, allowing you to edit values for your nightly rate and fees

    2. You can add any additional fees or discounts.

    3. Taxes and Direct Premium fee calculation update automatically

  7. Add the guest details**

  8. Set the quote expiration time of 24, 48, 72 hours or 1 week.

  9. Confirm details and submit

  10. Hospitable emails a link to pay to the guest

**For Premium guests, we also retrieve any previous Autohost guest vetting results so returning guests don't have to complete verification again. When we find a previous guest vetting result, the Guest verification field will be highlighted in green [below]. For these reservations, as soon as the guest completes the payment, the reservation will be immediately accepted.

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